

Lifestyle Portrait with Dr. Nicole Cutts


An opportunity to do a headshot is excitement! Being able to do lifestyle photos on location creates a unique experience and connection between photographer and the client. Working with Dr. Nicole Cutts proved to be an amazing experience.

Dr. Cutts is not only a business owner, she is an artist and a success coach. She has her own style and lives her brand to the fullest! The preliminary shoot called for viewing the space to check lighting, colors and persona. A successful open discussion over coffee revealed Dr. Cutts is not self-centered but driven and focused. She asked me some pertinent questions, such as: "Are you living your vision?" This is energy I used in the photo shoot to capture not just her interesting looks, but also to highlight the the fact  she is living her vision, her complete lifestyle is prevalent in personality, business actions and personal motivations.

Meet Dr. Nicole Cutts, PhD of Cutts Consulting and Vision Quest Retreats!

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Event Photography: Bar Mitzvah Fun Times


I do event photography all the time around the DC, Maryland and Virginia area including: private parties, corporate events, tech events, fundraisers, and fashion events. Adding to the list of unique event photography, I had the pleasure of shooting a post-ceremony Bar Mitzvah and completely enjoyed the celebration! Its a special moment in a young person's life to reach an age physically and spiritually and have family and friends celebrate the occasion! The event production included live music, fun green screen photography, several courses of food for both kids and adults and a true focus on the young man growing up.

#MobilePhotography: Fall Photos from an Android


Mobile Photography is a growing movement of artistic creation to be respected as a medium of creativity and instant journalism. There are numerous blogs, photo sites and mobile applications covering the iPhoneography world and variations of mobile photography. However, there are Android phones on the market that take exceptional photos and also have editing apps that give a plain smartphone photograph a look worthy of exhibition and print. Instagram is a tremendous photo tool to share ordinary daily photos or stunning images that make you question: "Was that REALLY taken on a phone?!" This is amazing for the mobile photographer!

There are countless mobile photos appearing from iPhone and Androids. The defining factor is not the phone itself, but how the images are taken and if edited 100% on a mobile device. Taking great mobile photos to document your day, your family gatherings, or that night out with friends is cool, its real life. Taking great images with a specific view, creative composition and artistic expression is what grabs a viewers attention. The Android phones out there are capable of creating "droidography" that is both breathtaking and exceptional if the eye behind that mobile lens is thinking like an artist.

A few images provided below taken on an Android HTC EVO3D that represent some of the creative work produced on the go. Different mobile editing applications used to to get the final result, essentially making it true mobile photography.

PhotoVine Mobile Photo App: The Google+ Sleeper?


Could it be there is a mobile photo app coming to a G+ near you? PhotoVine is a mobile photo app and social network. The focus has been on the fact its part of Slide, which was acquired by Google back in August 2010. The video shows how you could create and share photos around a theme, similar to using hashtags on Twitter. It functions like a community photo scene and you watch it grow based on your friends interpretations of the topic! This adds a circle of entertainment and fun to mobile photo sharing. Social Media Photography is growing with technology thanks to developers that “get it” on the social end. Google+ Circles and photo sharing could benefit from an app like Photovine since its based on focused groups and sharing.

Below: the Warm and Fuzzy video from Photovine. Stop by their site and request your invite. If you are already using the app, leave your thoughts in the comments and give us a “cool kid” opinion.

A version of the Official Video provided below.

[Update: The Photovine Project has been canceled, see The Next Web article]

A Day At The Beach: Ocean Waves


The ocean is one part of nature that is always fluid and ever moving in a forward direction. The power of the water can bring you to the edge of life's end, take you to far away places of pure beauty or bring you a feeling of peace. The latest trip to the beach with family and friends brought me to an inner circle of clarity. Watching the waves swell and crash into the sand or crawl the sand seeking its end was like watching the spirit of life roll in full strength. Waves of the ocean tell their own story if you see them the right way.

Mobile Photography: Creative Daily Scenes


I have my mobile phone with me all the time, a Blackberry at the time of writing. Of course I would rather have the iPhone or Android to be part of the cool kids group using the snazzy mobile photo apps. However, I do have other options to play with my mobile photos. These are a few images of things I may see in day around town.

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