An opportunity to do a headshot is excitement! Being able to do lifestyle photos on location creates a unique experience and connection between photographer and the client. Working with Dr. Nicole Cutts proved to be an amazing experience.
Dr. Cutts is not only a business owner, she is an artist and a success coach. She has her own style and lives her brand to the fullest! The preliminary shoot called for viewing the space to check lighting, colors and persona. A successful open discussion over coffee revealed Dr. Cutts is not self-centered but driven and focused. She asked me some pertinent questions, such as: "Are you living your vision?" This is energy I used in the photo shoot to capture not just her interesting looks, but also to highlight the the fact she is living her vision, her complete lifestyle is prevalent in personality, business actions and personal motivations.
Meet Dr. Nicole Cutts, PhD of Cutts Consulting and Vision Quest Retreats!
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